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Sequoia-Kings Canyon

Park Services Company


Kings Canyon


In 1873, John Muir, the famous naturalist, visited Kings Canyon and was impressed by its similarity to the terrain of the Yosemite Valley. "A rival to the Yosemite," wrote Muir. It was he who advocated the creation of "one grand national park," that included Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon to protect them for future generations to enjoy.

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are world-renowned for their giant sequoias, the signature tree in both parks. These adjoining parks, however, located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, offer the visitor many extraordinary sights to see beyond the largest living trees in the world.
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are rich in the diversity of their natural beauty. Here, in addition to the "Big Trees," you'll discover a canyon deeper than the Grand Canyon, Mount Whitney - the tallest peak in the contiguous United States, and the largest cave system in California. You can explore granite domes, cascading waterfalls, stalactite-encrusted caves, Native American pictographs, and beautiful flora and fauna.

In the process of exploring these parks, visitors will not only discover the natural beauty of Sequoia and Kings Canyon, but the human history, which had both positive and negative effects on this area. From walking a trail that reveals the remains of the early logging of sequoias, to experiencing the grandeur of these parks through the eyes of John Muir, Sequoia and Kings Canyon parks are a great place to teach children, and remind ourselves, about the importance of protecting our environment.

John Muir's Legacy
Thanks to the work of John Muir and other early conservationists, the natural beauty of Sequoia and Kings Canyon has been preserved. From the depths of the Kings Canyon to the summit of Mount Whitney, Muir's observation in 1873 still holds true.

Sequoia and Kings Canyon rival Yosemite National Park in natural beauty, but visitors can enjoy these parks without the crowds that plague Yosemite every summer.